Carpet Cleaning in Knoxville

Call (865) 236-1585

Carpet Cleaning The New, Safe & Modern Way

After providing carpet cleaning services in Knoxville area for going on 14 Years now. we're not exactly new, but we are definitely adifferent kind of carpet cleaning company.

We started Go Dri Carpet Cleaning in November of 2010 by introducing '"The New Way To Clean Carpet" to home owners and businesses in Knoxville and the surrounding area. Our specialty is Eco-friendly. low moisture, Green, deep extraction carpet cleaning. What this means is no wet carpets, no harsh chemicals and Carpet Cleaning You'll Love.... Guaranteed!

The Problem With Traditional Carpet Cleaning

In national survey that polled thousands of consumers about their concerns about commercial carpet cleaning, the overwhelming #1 complaint was their carpet was left too wet and it took too long to dry. The #2 complaint was that more often then not, stains came back after the the carpet eventually dried.

Our idea is simple

Doesn't it make since to provide a carpet cleaning service that addresses and resolves these issues?

We believe it does and that's the reason we wanted to be the first in Knoxville to introduce the new, modern way to clean carpets.

With modern low moisture carpet cleaning systems (like we use), your carpets will be totally dry in a hour or less. Stains will not wick back up, carpets will repel dirt instead of attracting it, and your carpets will stay clean much longer. We think you'll love it. In fact, we Guarantee it!